If you live in the state of Maine, you are probably already familiar with the State Beverage Container Deposit Laws and know that you pay a deposit on the beverage container when you make an initial purchase. You may be wondering how the system of deposits and refunds works, as well as what happens to all those returnables.
Who pays a deposit on returnable beverage containers?
The store where you bought your beverage has already paid a deposit on the can or bottle when it was purchased from the distributor.…
The average lifespan of any of any large refrigerator is less than twenty years. It is just a matter of time when you must buy a new one. But what will you do with the old one? You are not alone in this decision. It is estimated that more than nine million refrigerators are disposed of each year. The last place you want to send your refrigerator is to the landfill.…
As a religious establishment, your church plays an integral part of your community. It is through your establishment that people seek guidance, discipline, and fellowships with like-minded individuals. With such a strong ability to influence, it’s crucial that your church takes every opportunity it can to set good examples – including demonstrating proper waste management practices.
If your church needs some work in the waste management department, here’s how to get it on the right track in three easy steps.…